UIT board smaller than usual

What is there to do during UIT?

UIT-lopers op het Janskerkhof tijdens eerdere editie Utrechtse Introductietijd. Foto: DUB Archief
Students on Janskerkhof square during an earlier edition of UIT. Photo: DUB Archive

The theme of this year's UIT is "Excellence". The event will happen from Monday, August 12 to Thursday, August 15. The programme is similar to previous editions but it now has two new elements: a pub quiz organised by De Helling on August 13 and workshops at Olympos Sports Centre on August 14.

“It is a collaboration, but the activities will be completely organised by De Helling and Olympos,” explains Lotte van Buuren, chair and spokesperson for the UIT board. “I really appreciate that we can complete the programme in this way.”

For the first time, the student association fair, an event in which associations present themselves to prospective new members, will happen on the International Campus, home to University College Utrecht (UCU). That's going to happen on Tuesday. Another novelty in the programme is the lounge lunch on Thursday, August 15. “Participants will relax and grab a bite before enjoying the rest of the festival."

The UIT 2024 board. From left to right: Bryce van Steenis, Lotte van Buuren and Sarah Smit. Photo: UIT. 

Open-air cinema and free admission to the museum
Last year's programme had several unprecedented activities. Many of them are back on this year's programme. On Wednesday, first-years will be able to visit many of the city's museums for free, such as the Volksbuurt Museum, Railway Museum, Utrecht Archives, Sonneborgh, and Speelklok. In addition, the University Museum will be free for UIT participants. 

An outdoor cinema will also take place on Dom Square. “The Dom Church will then be totally cleared of scaffolding. It will be a special place to watch a movie together.” The organisers haven't yet announced which film will be shown.

In the previous edition, the UIT board emphasised a socially safe, sustainable and accessible introduction week and this year will not be different. All participants, crew members and mentors must sign a code of conduct upon registration and agree to the event's alcohol and drugs policy.

One of the things they agree with is to treat each other with respect. Aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated, neither will the possession and use of drugs both soft and hard. If a student, crew member or mentor is caught red-handed, the UIT board will cut the person's wristband and entrance ticket, denying them access to the event.

“During the Opening Show, we will discuss our norms and values ​​as well as the rules of conduct. We also pay attention to social safety in advance by having conversations with mentors and discussing how to point out intolerable behaviour.”

Students in vocational education (MBO) can also participate in the event. This is the second time they are allowed to join in. After a successful test run last year, the UIT board decided to open UIT to MBO students permanently.

Van Buuren says: “We contact educational institutions every year and ask: 'Shall we continue the collaboration?' We have now decided that secondary vocational education institutions are simply part of it.”

UIT board
This year, the board has had a lot of work to do. Students weren't that excited to take on administrative duties alongside their studies this past year, so the UIT board did not escape this trend. That's why this year's board is comprised of three members instead of the usual six.

As a result, each board member has a dual function. Van Buuren, for example, is tasked with "communication" and "participants", which means she has to be the event's spokesperson and manage mentors and crew.

Former board members
“We looked very carefully at what is feasible and how much manpower we need to organise something or not,” says Van Buuren. “It helps that we don't have to reinvent the wheel every time. Last year, we had a pretty good UIT. It's nice to adjust and improve a few things here and there, but it is not necessary to come up with something completely different every single edition.”

The fact that there are only three board members instead of six does bring some challenges. “This means you may be given a larger role in a certain element of the programme and there are activities taking place at the same time. Fortunately, we also have a large pool of former board members who can assist during the event.”

The UIT board is still looking for mentors and crew members. If you are interested, you have until July 8 to register. Tickets are also available for the event itself. They cost 87 euros and lunch is included.

This is UIT's 27th edition. This year, all first-year students from Utrecht University, the University of Humanistic Studies, the Theological University Utrecht, the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, the Utrecht University of the Arts, Tio Business School, Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht, MBO Utrecht, Nimeto Utrecht and ROC Midden Nederland can participate. A total of 4,000 tickets were put on sale.
