News and in Depth

In depth

UU students get a reality check

'I don't know anybody who voted for Geert Wilders'


Temporary move for workgroups and study associations

Educational buildings on Drift get a major makeover


Following election results

Two protests against PVV on the same day in Utrecht


PVV and NSC win Dutch election

Dutch elections: what are the consequences for education and research?

In depth

'Stewards' put nightlife on Nobelstraat in order

‘Time to go home, folks’

In depth

Are all European students as stressed out as Dutch ones?

‘In Sweden, it’s normal to take a break’


How should universities deal with the conflict?

Allow sparks to fly in class, even when Israel and Palestine come up


The debate continues...

Will Geosciences get rid of those turnstiles? 'Nope.'

In depth

DUB panel reacts to heated debate in the US

Is it okay to ask a student to answer a question in front of the whole class?