News and in Depth

In depth

Ludo Koks is UU's public affairs advisor

‘Our man in The Hague’ lobbies for good causes


Relatively few Bachelor's in the field

Netherlands spends less on STEM than other countries

In depth

DUB visits a tiny room and a huge room

Some students live in a shoebox, others in a ballroom


NWO invests in open science

‘Scientific research must be replicable’

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DUB’s Internship Survey, part 2

Students find UU's internship supervision mediocre

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SSH wants to persuade students living in the Tuindorp West complex to move

‘I've finally found a place, and then three days later I’m told to leave’

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Professor Kees van den Bos is optimistic

‘Politics can regain people's trust’


To be found at the University of Applied Sciences

New restaurant Grounded Kitchen offers local products