News and in Depth

In depth

Interest rated to become five times as high

How does the increased interest rate affect your student loans?

In depth

Coming Out stories

'I came out to my friends first as that felt safe'


Afraid that the cabinet will cut costs

Dijkgraaf: ‘Hands off investment in science’


No more road

Scientist Rebellion claims victory

In depth

UU rector’s vision for the future

Universities must open their doors to society

In depth

UCR student had to come back from Israel

Rosalie is dominated by sadness for the country she was forced to leave behind

In depth

Research on talking about mental health

Where do male students go to talk about their issues?


Dutch MP created a new party to participate in elections

Omtzigt wants Dutch universities to have no English-taught programmes at all


Students say they feel safe right now

UU asks students to come back from Israel as soon as possible


Many struggle financially; UU will try to solve the issue at the national level

Most universities not helping PhD candidates on scholarships