News and in Depth


Actual percentage is not yet known

Parliament decreases interest on loans for the so-called unlucky students

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Teachers will not get permanent contracts

UU will hire more assistant professors to meet collective labour agreement conditions


Students hung flags at city centre library

Protest for Palestine takes place at University Library


Election candidate suggests

Omtzigt: 'Use expat tax advantage to help students'


Red building residents will be the first ones to go in 2024

SSH wants to renovate Tuindorp-West Complex, residents must move out


Leoniek Wijngaards-de Meij officially appointed to the role

New Social Sciences dean to focus on education


Previous cabinets didn't do enough

Climate scientists want to get more involved with policy

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Five euros off a ticket to climb Dom Tower

From wellness to dinner: this is where students can get a discount in Utrecht


‘UU should take a stance on Israel's violence’

Students start petition to ask for support to Palestine

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Henk van Rinsum launches book on Utrecht University’s colonial history

‘Utrecht scientists were part of the colonial system too’