News and in Depth


He killed a woman and her daughter earlier the same day

Shooting at Erasmus University in Rotterdam: teacher dead; suspect is a student


At this pace, we'd have to wait until 2046 for it to be fifty-fifty

Negligible increase in the number of women working as full professors


Vegan Student Association concerned

Petition opposes increase in the number of chickens at Veterinary Medicine

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‘They thought someone was dying’

UU scientist sings his lungs out in black metal band


Verdict reached in 'abusive behaviour' case

Judge does not allow PhD candidate back in the lab

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Two-thirds of board members mentally exhausted

'It’s normal for everyone on study association boards to be overworked'


They want it to pass by the end of the year

Dutch Parliament urges bill on internationalisation


No need to borrow as much money

Basic student grant reinstated: students to receive 130 million euros

In depth

The origin of UU’s motto

University embraces the Sun of Righteousness