DUB Student Podcast

Four students have made Spring 2023 podcasts for DUB on current topics in student life. Topics include the normalisation of designer drugs, ChatGPT use, mobile phone addiction and female students with adhd.

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DUB's student podcast discusses addiction to mobile phones

‘Dare to be by yourself for a change’

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DUB's student podcast discusses ChatGPT

'Make use of it and become an expert'

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DUB's Student Podcast discusses the normalisation of drug use

'Can I still enjoy a party without drugs?'


Now you’re the victim but next year you'll get to be the boss

Hazing feels like a trade-off


Students in Utrecht are always busy

Could things be a bit more ‘tranquilo’, please?

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DUB's Student Podcast: having ADHD as a woman

‘Where do I end and ADHD begins?’

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Meet the students behind DUB's new podcast

‘Why do I stay glued to my phone for so long even though I don't want to?’