student housing

Housing stress






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DUB visits a tiny room and a huge room

Some students live in a shoebox, others in a ballroom

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SSH wants to persuade students living in the Tuindorp West complex to move

‘I've finally found a place, and then three days later I’m told to leave’


Red building residents will be the first ones to go in 2024

SSH wants to renovate Tuindorp-West Complex, residents must move out

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Housing diaries (2)

‘The person on the video call was AI-generated’

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Living on your own for the first time

‘The first thing I thought was: I have to call my dad'

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Alderman wants rooms to become more affordable

‘Everyone is welcome in Utrecht except slumlords’


More students deciding to stay with parents

Room shortage drops but trend is only temporary

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Five months of rejection, scammers, and confusion

Housing diaries: A non-EU student’s journey towards finding a room

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Three students living on the outskirts of Utrecht

'My room is big and the rent is not that expensive'