student housing

Housing stress







They don't feel as lonely

Housing providers: ‘Students with roommates are happier’


On the town hall square

Vidius organises protest against housing shortage on a holiday

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Law student wins lawsuit, municipality refuses to compensate other students

Excluding students from energy allowance goes against anti-discrimination law


A side effect of the government's measures

Dutch Student Union: student housing is disappearing

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A conversation with national student housing director Ardin Mourik

Rooms in Bunnik or Nieuwegein can alleviate housing pressure in Utrecht

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Permit no longer needed for up to three people

Utrecht makes home sharing easier for students


Student Frank chose to live in a studio in complex The Fizz

'It looks like a student hotel, but it doesn't feel that way'


Utrecht is bad, other cities are even worse

Students having to wait longer and longer for SSH room