student housing

Housing stress







National student union wonders:

Where is the accommodation for students with a disability?


Otherwise, international students will be preferred

Housing minister: temporary rents actually help students

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SSH wanted to renovate IBB, adding more rooms

IBB redevelopment fell through because municipality wanted fewer student rooms


Students and rental contracts:

What exactly does the minister want?

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Historic SSH buildings will get double glazing

‘It’s inconvenient, but the construction workers are very sweet’


Rooms in Utrecht cost 25 percent more compared to two years ago

Room prices increase sharply


SSH is now allowed to renovate Tuindorp West Complex

Majority of students living in SSH 'Red Flat' agrees to move out

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SSH sees unique opportunity to make student flat more sustainable

‘There’s no plan B if the residents don’t agree with the plan’


On top of education building

Hundreds of additional student residences to be built in Kanaleneiland