News and in Depth

In depth

DUB's student podcast discusses addiction to mobile phones

‘Dare to be by yourself for a change’


Many room damage claims were unjustified or unprovable

Seventy-five percent of UCU students’ fines waived


Misunderstandings abound, minister not that strict at all

English-taught programmes: what is the situation?

In depth

Former Dean Willem Koops lashes out

Distinguished Professor criticises UU's New Utrecht School manifesto

In depth

Better scheduling aims to prevent empty lecture halls

‘There is no shortage of rooms, even with an increased number of students’


Dutch Parliament discusses internationalisation

Stricter rules for English-taught programmes are on the way

In depth

Swapping clothes at the Botanic Gardens

‘If everybody swaps clothes, they'll always have something new’


Trimbos Institute published report about the pressure to perform

Students more and more stressed out but they're not talking about it


Minister wants to set stricter rules

Extra millions for safety in higher education