News and in Depth


Hundreds of scientists sign open letter

‘NWO and KNAW should be more critical of the fossil industry’


Scholars at Risk's annual report

Bombs, dismissal and censorship pose worldwide threats to science

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Community garden may need to give way to hockey field

Olympos' renovation is a complex puzzle


Country makes a U-turn on strict policy

Denmark cannot do without international students after all

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Ludo Koks is UU's public affairs advisor

‘Our man in The Hague’ lobbies for good causes


Relatively few Bachelor's in the field

Netherlands spends less on STEM than other countries

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DUB visits a tiny room and a huge room

Some students live in a shoebox, others in a ballroom


NWO invests in open science

‘Scientific research must be replicable’

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DUB’s Internship Survey, part 2

Students find UU's internship supervision mediocre