climate actions

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Fund is established to plant trees across the country

Trees to be planted on behalf of graduates in the Botanic Gardens

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College atmosphere hinders discussion

UU earth scientists struggle with Shell and self-reflection


Protest at Eindhoven airport as well

Scientist Rebellion blindfolds statues


Cold Domkerk as setting dies celebration

Climate crisis: ‘The penny seems to have dropped’

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Should the university cooperate with the fossil industry?

‘We’re all idealists, otherwise we would be working at Shell’


Shell at the career market?

'Students should decide for themselves whether to work for Shell'

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Study association UAV struggles with links to the fossil industry

Only sustainable companies at UU's career days


It would actually harm sustainability

Academic staff: don’t abandon all collaboration with fossil fuel companies

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Rector Kummeling discusses UU’s ties with Shell

‘Collaborating with Shell is a complicated balancing act’


'Not acting in line with the Paris Agreement'

Activists urge Dutch universities to engage in sustainable banking