recognition & reward

In depth

Frontrunner's dilemma

UU is no longer in the rankings. What does that mean?

In depth

Looking back on seven years of Henk Kummeling

Rector steered the university towards society


New report from Rathenau Institute

State of science in the Netherlands: good news with a downside


'Not every proposed reform is necessarily good'

Science reform movements have been co-opted by egalitarians

In depth

‘I would like my diploma to have a good value abroad’

Students with international ambitions critical of UU’s withdrawal from THE ranking


No more distinction between support staff and academic staff

UU will now call all employees ‘university staff’


How to measure the quality of a university?

Universities take rankings less seriously


Survey by Science Guide

Postdocs sceptical about recognition and rewards

In depth

Calls to expand the right to award PhD degrees

'All university lecturers with PhD degrees should be professors’