Studying without stress

Students are feeling more and more under pressure, especially after the pandemic. That's why DUB is delving into the topic in a dedicated magazine titled Vallen en Opstaan (Falling Down and Getting Back Up, Ed). On this page, you'll find the translation of all the articles from the magazine and much more.


A tip

How I overcame exam stress


'I was addicted to the platform'

That time I ACTUALLY deleted Instagram

In depth

Three UU students tell us about their hobbies

Dragons, dumbbells, needle and thread

In depth

How much of a perfectionist are you?

The perfection meter

In depth

How everything seems to revolve around grades

The uni tests and you must pass...

In depth

First-generation student Charisma:

'We didn’t read any books or newspapers at home'

In depth

Student Wellbeing Taskforce launches action plan

How UU will help you (help yourself and your friends)