News and in Depth


Out of 97 scientists awarded

Thirteen experienced UU researchers obtain Vidi grant


New agreement reached

CAO: 9 percent pay raise and fewer temporary contracts

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Student association born out of a mutiny turns 50

'Biton members have a screw loose'

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UU student writes book about sex

‘I have a more relaxed attitude towards sex now'


They don't feel as lonely

Housing providers: ‘Students with roommates are happier’

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DUB's Student Podcast: having ADHD as a woman

‘Where do I end and ADHD begins?’

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Inappropriate behaviour was mainly sexual in nature

Social Sciences Professor accepts resignation

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Veterinary Medicine's seven-year accreditation

‘A visitation is an opportunity to take a critical look in the mirror’


'That neighbourhood survey was such bullshit'

Students with migration background targeted more often by DUO's fraud investigations