faculty of humanities

In depth

Interdisciplinary experiment in the library

How does the material you take notes with influence your learning process?


Though it remains necessary to implement budget cuts fast

Humanities faculty council promises to inform students better


Faculty Council members angry

Humanities takes undesignated working hours from 48 temporary lecturers


To replace Drift 21

Humanities lectures to be moved to Dom Square


Don't pretend all students are equal

The moral bankruptcy of abolishing the Honours Programme


Better prospects for the six programmes set to disappear

More optimism at Humanities after plans softened

In depth

Layoffs lurking; 82 full-time positions to disappear

Humanities "in shock"

In depth

A Professor at UU and a newspaper columnist, De Graaf talks about the art of writing a column

Beatrice de Graaf: 'Storytelling is about engaging, not preaching'


Transition plan is incorrect, unclear and lacks vision

Why Islam & Arabic must be preserved