The student Chiara Palmeri

Chiara Palmeri

Chiara Palmeri comes from Sicily and she is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in English Language and Culture. She worked for two years as an au pair in Germany, where she discovered her passion for travelling and Germanic Languages. Apart from that, she defines herself as a proud cat mum, bookworm and aspiring writer.



What happens at a Toastmasters meeting

Organisation helps students to improve public speaking skills


Het inclusiviteitsbeleid van Charm EU

Tien extra punten in toelatingsproces voor minderheidsgroepen


Living with dyscalculia

Simply not neurotypical

In depth

A spooky city

Five allegedly haunted places in Utrecht


Griezelen in de stad

Vijf Utrechtse plekken waar het schijnt te spoken


'Being alone is beautiful

Solitude 101: how to survive


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Charm EU masteropleiding uitgebreid naar twee jaar