coen jutte

Would you like to challenge yourself and step outside of your comfort zone? As a PhD student, I am currently working on a project on the role of discomfort for personal growth. In this project, we are collaborating with a motivational speaker and musician who makes use of humor, storytelling and music to inspire people to more often go beyond their comfort zones.

When? 29th of May at 13.00-14.00 or 15.00-16.00

Where? Heidelberglaan 8, Bestuursgebouw, Van Lier & Egginkzaal

Compensation? 8 Euros/1 SONA point and free drinks and snacks after the session

For whom? Bachelor, Master and PhD students

Sign-up Link:

‘Leaving the comfort zone’ to take on challenges is essential for personal growth as it enables us to learn and progress. However, oftentimes our personal challenges come together with discomfort that can hold us back: “What will others think of me?”, “What if I am not good enough?”, “What if I will embarrass myself?” Therefore, our research aims to find out how to transform these “threats” into “positive challenges”. 

We are inviting 150 students to attend a talk by our motivational speaker on how to overcome discomfort for personal growth. After the talk, students will be asked to fill in a 5-minute online survey about their experiences. Three weeks later, there will be a 3-minute online follow-up study. 

Students will learn more about the important role of discomfort for personal growth and receive first-hand hints on how to go beyond their comfort zone. Additionally, students will earn 8 Euros or 1 participant point and after the talk, there will be free drinks and snacks. 

Don't miss this unique opportunity and register as soon as possible as spaces are limited! If you have any questions, please contact me via email: