Summer is coming! The global surface temperature has increased with 1.2 oC and we are already experiencing the effects of the climate crisis, such as heat waves, droughts, forest fires and floods. The temperatures are likely to rise by more than 1.5 oC above pre-industrial levels, and the IPCC writes that “Any further delay in concerted action, will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a liveable and sustainable future for all.” Despite this clear message, greenhouse gas emissions are still rising, and governments and corporations continue to delay and defer needed climate action.
Luckily, social climate movements are gaining momentum and more and more organizations are sounding the alarm. Amount them: concerned scientists and academics. Scientists have been ringing the alarm bell for decades. Now, due to the urgency of the situation, some feel the need to take a more active role in civil society, as opposed to being an ‘impartial observer’.
Scientists4Future is an independent and voluntary collective of scientists, researchers, and academics from all kinds of disciplines, who are motivated to actively call for a stronger response to these crises. They formed in 2019 to support the youth climate strike movement and have since become an influential part of the public debate. Most recently, a campaign by members of Scientists4Future fought against rampant misinformation and helped to convince the EU parliament to pass a key nature restoration law. This shows that scientists can play an important role in building a sustainable future if they organize and make their voices heard.
On September 7th, the local group of Scientists4Future in Utrecht organizes a kick-off meeting, where we will introduce Scientists4Future, discuss our motivations and brainstorm about first projects. Of course, refreshments and snacks will be available.
Details: September 7th, 17:00-19:00, David de Wiedgebouw 1.15, Universiteitsweg 99, 3584 CG Utrecht.
Please fill in this form so we know how many people to expect. Everybody is welcome, so bring your students and colleagues!