Aankondiging Film Screening 28 juni

On 28 June the first screening of the Irish documentary Ó Bhéal in the Netherlands will take place as part of the Maartje Draak Seminars 2024. The screening will be followed by a short Q&A with director Ciara Nic Chormaic about Irish as a minority language in Ireland and in the hip hop scene.

Irish tradition meets hip hop and electronica

Ó Bhéal is a cinematic exploration of the rise of hip hop and electronic artists in Ireland, embracing oral traditions of folklore, ancient poetry and sean-nós singing to create a new fusion sound: a culture clash through music. This ensemble piece features Irish-language rappers Seán ‘Mory’ Ó Muirgheasa and Oisín Mac, producer and multi-instrumentalist Fehdah, and Limerick rapper Strange Boy.

Ó Bhéal

This beautiful black-and-white film delves deep into these four artists’ process and how they are breaking new ground in Irish music. Through insightful interviews, intimate portrayals of the creative process of each artist as they work on tracks in studio, and visceral live performances, Ó Bhéal tells the story of a moment in time in the Irish musical landscape.

More information on (free) registration on the website of the Celtic Studies Department: https://keltisch.sites.uu.nl/maartje-draak-seminars/.