The Complex Systems of Qingyi Feng

Qingyi Feng is a researcher on Complex Systems Science. She investigates the universality of complex systems and applies it to different fields, for example, using network theory in climate studies.
Who are you and what do you do?
"I'm a researcher on Complex Systems Science, also the coordinator of the Complexity Laboratorium Utrecht (CLUe)."
Where is this place?
"This is my office at the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU), which is located on Princetonplein."
What is special about this place or your research?
"My research is to investigate the universality of complex systems and apply it to different fields, for example, using network theory in climate studies. Through CLUe, I also aim to help researchers to “discover” the existence of Complexity Science software, and assist them in “deciding” whether a software will be suited to solve the problems/questions posed in their specific projects. "