Your daily schedule is a big influence on your productivity and effectivity. With that, probably I don’t say anything new to you. And the interesting questions is of course how to plan your day in such a way that you are as effective as possible and don’t get stressed out. Especially after the holidays you feel often better how fast you get back into a certain track that is actually not so useful and that makes you loose all the relaxation you found during your holidays. Like you have never had a holiday at all.
An important help for that: know your own rhythm! What do I mean with that? Make sure that you know how you are at different moments of the day. Do you wake up shiny and radiant, or do you need 5 cups of coffee before it is safe to talk to you? How about your after lunch dip? At what time are you the most creative? What is the best moment to work very concentrated? What is a good time for meetings? A lot of people are not aware enough for how this is for them.
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