The International Summerschool 'Peace and Human Rights Education' 2011 is looking for 2 student assistents.
Date: 31 July -12 August 2011
Place: Utrecht
Focus of the this year:
- Examples of peace and human rights education from Asia
- Art and Creative Educational Approaches
Benefits for the student assistent:
- attend a 2 week summerschool for free (normally 895 euro)
- get free lunches during the summerschool
- a boost for your cv
- extend your professional network; meet teachers/practitioners/int. students in the field of HR-, Peace-,
non-violent education, conflict resolution, Asian Studies, Gender and Children Rights, Peace pedagogics & global education, Art and Creative education.
- possibility to connect your BA or MA thesis research to your position of student assistent.
- PR, communication with students and some of the guest lectureres
- logistics
- fundraising
- contribute to the curriculum and reader development
- give input to the selection of methods
- prepare case studies by doing research
- develop and facilitate the introduction, mid-term and end evaluation session using informal education methods and techniques.
More information
contact person: marloesvanhouten@utrechtsummerschool.nl