大家好, 我是研究中文的一名荷兰人, 我对中文和民族文化非常感兴趣, 所以制作了一份调查问卷, 想进一步了解留学荷兰的中国学生, 你们可以帮助我完成吗? 有什么意见你们也可以让我知道哟! 问卷地址是: https://nl.surveymonkey.com/s/R9LNLJX 谢谢!
Hello everybody,
I am doing a research about the experience of Chinese students about the Netherlands and the Dutch. Ideally, I would to reach students from all over the Netherlands. If you would be so kind to help me spread this message, I would be very grateful.
Best regards, Marlous (Leiden University)