Mooctivity is een geavanceerde zoekmachine die je helpt bij het navigeren door honderden open online colleges die worden aangeboden door top instituten over de hele wereld zoals Harvard and Stanford. Daarnaast fungeert het ook als een sociaal netwerk waar je moocs kunt vergelijken en ervaringen kunt delen met anderen.
What Are MOOCs
MOOCs, the acronym for Massive Open Online Courses, have been heralded as the next big revolution in higher education.
MOOCs are university-level online courses provided to you by some of the best universities and experts in the world for free or almost free. MOOCs are transforming the educational landscape, with already millions of people enrolled across hundreds of courses from top institutions including Harvard, MIT and Stanford.
Regardless of where you live, your background and level of expertise, if you are interested in expanding your horizons with courses such as Corporate Finance at Wharton, Computer Science at Stanford, World History at Princeton, Modern Poetry at UPenn, Justice at Harvard, Web Development with a Reddit founder, or Artificial Intelligence with Google executives, MOOCs are the place to go.
Why MOOCs Matter
In the context of soaring tuition costs and rising demand for education, nothing has more potential to unlock brains and disrupt the current higher education model than MOOCs. Just last May, over 300,000 online learners from around the globe enrolled in an online computer science class by Professor David Evans from the University of Virginia.
Like many others, we believe that the MOOC revolution will change the way we learn for the better and democratize higher education by making top tier courses finally accessible to all, from high school graduates interested in exploring university courses to university students seeking to improve their resume, and experienced professionals looking to build new skills
What We Do
With hundreds of new courses coming online every year and little or no feedback about their quality, we know how difficult it is to cut through the maze created by MOOCs and to find the courses that are right for you taking into account your schedule, interests, and long-term career aims.
Mooctivity aims to guide you through this maze by providing you with:
- an advanced search engine that helps you navigate through hundreds of online courses from Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Wharton and other top institutions based on key course features (e.g., start date, workload, duration), employer recommendations and user reviews;
- a social network that allows you to invite and follow your friends, colleagues and fellow MOOCers in order to easily stay up-to-date with the courses they are taking and their course favorites. Tailor your online education based on the advice of people you trust.