<p>a little lulz thought experiment charmed me to such heights that i had to yield to it's realz discharge.</p>
<p>Might we blast away @_KNAW 's <a href="http://www.dub.uu.nl/podium/notjustpicnic/blog/breaking-knaws-omerta.ht…">silent circles</a> by playfully tagging our @_knaw tweets with #RevsInSound during Red Bull Music Academy's celebratory <a href="http://www.redbullrevolutionsinsound.com/">"Revolutions in Sound"</a> -project at London's Eye of Mordor ? Unfortunatly this idea only popped into my head minutes before this event unfolded so it was not possible for me to organise our swarm in due time.<br />
<br />
My efforts i herewith substantiate with this little <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8F8bAG1qUU">video-report</a> and some tweets in a <a href="http://pear.ly/cwknX">pearl</a> .</p>
<p><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="352" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/L8F8bAG1qUU" width="551"></iframe></p>
<p><br />
While @RedBull 's Eye of Mordor instantly saw but (mis)recognized my guerilla tactics , roared with laughter, & <a href="http://twitter.com/notPICNIC/status/401079314361249792">favourited</a> my lulz <a href="http://www.freezepage.com/1384462038IZRRZFALTE">(mirror)</a> the @_KNAW could do nothing but persist in her circles of silence. </p>
<p>So here is my question: i'am searching for volunteers who still would like to participate in this (sub)project of "Breaking KNAW's Omertà" . You can easily do so without further boring registration procedures by means of a simple <a href="http://twitter.com/notPICNIC/status/401079314361249792">RT</a> ; so as to tickle the @_KNAW into her willful submission. ;-)</p>
<p>If you have other spin-off ideas please feel free to start-up your one ventures </p>
<p>but please do keep us informed ;-)</p>