News and in Depth

In depth

How Esmee managed to get a Bachelor's:

‘I took an exam while I was in labour’

In depth

An abundance of choice between the sheets

Why you wonder if you’re dating the right person


Interest rates increasing

Minister wants fairer student debt repayment rules


The power of tech companies

75 percent of Dutch students have data stored in US cloud

In depth

How does tutoring work at your programme?

Twenty years of tutorship: from intense to pretty casual

In depth

First-generation student Charisma:

'We didn’t read any books or newspapers at home'

In depth

A conversation with student psychologists

How are UU students really doing?


After being 'trolled' by blog

DUB stops collecting data for diversity survey


Against the Islamic theocracy

Students play important role in sustained protests in Iran

In depth

Three UU students tell us about their hobbies

Dragons, dumbbells, needle and thread