Translation Nina Wubben


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A list to suit every taste

12 student bars that are definitely worth a visit


Enthusiastic students organise festival

IBB Fest returns after seven years

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What do Salvation Army visitors think about Utrecht students?

‘They complain about their grants, but then you see them drinking all that beer’

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Half of Red Building residents have already left

A dilemma for Huize 108: should they look for new roommates?


Public administrator Paul ‘t Hart receives Simon Stevin Prize

‘My influence goes through education’


Utrecht climate researcher Detlef van Vuuren wins Spinoza Prize

‘How wonderful to be able to model complex environmental problems!’

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Book on painting and scientific invention

Professor Pasterkamp: ‘The artist and the inventor are both creative’

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UU professor analyses the voting behaviour of the Dutch

Highly educated young men shift to the right