Alice Dribnokhod
Alice Dribnokhod

Alice Dribnokhod

Alice is 19 years old and a first-year student in the programme English Language and Culture. She is originally from Ukraine but she grew up in Germany and has lived all around the world, including Russia and South Korea. She loves theatre and hopes to become a writer someday.


In depth

Time to explore Utrecht and its surroundings

21 affordable, English-speaking things to do during the break

In depth

Three Perspectives on Learning Dutch

‘Knowing the language has made me feel more included and at home’


Drie perspectieven over Nederlands leren

'Het leren van de taal zorgde ervoor dat ik me meer thuis voel'


Students and teachers struggle with public transport strike

'I booked an overnight stay in Utrecht to take an exam during the strike'


Studenten en docenten worstelen met acties streekvervoer

‘Om mijn examen tijdens de staking te kunnen maken, boek ik een overnachting in Utrecht’

In depth

UU researcher Akdag about the earthquake in her home country:

‘People don’t even realise the psychological impact such a disaster can have’


UU-onderzoeker Almila Akdag over de aardbeving in haar thuisland:

‘Deze ramp eist een zware tol, fysiek en mentaal’


'This is not just a trending topic'

War through the telephone


Schrikken van elk telefoontje van thuis

Oorlog is meer dan trending topic