Translation Marjorie van Elven


In depth

DUB panel doesn’t think the announced sanctions are enough

‘UU must punish USC more severely’


UU puts secondary education teachers in the spotlight

Geography teacher Tim Schuring is the Alumnus of the Year


Protests against UU's position regarding conflict in Gaza

Activists interrupt UU anniversary celebrations twice


He will use the prize to set up a writing course

UU lecturer Peter Pelzer is the 2024 Teacher of the Year in national prize


Economic Board Utrecht looking to set up a youth branch

Students invited to reflect on the future of Utrecht


Research into harmful proteins and crises in society

UU leads two gravity programmes


Council of State rules in UU's favour

Admissions exam to offer no exception for those with chronic illnesses


Ties will be broken in 2025 if things don't improve

UU and HU stop subsidising USC following "slut list"

In depth

UU's research master's get good scores

Master's guide: UU's atmosphere is a plus