Translation Marjorie van Elven


In depth

A conversation with national student housing director Ardin Mourik

Rooms in Bunnik or Nieuwegein can alleviate housing pressure in Utrecht

In depth

Costs much higher than in previous years

UCU students angry about room damage claims


Not enough travellers to and from the Science Park

No trams late in the evening and weekends for the time being


Thorny issue surrounding joint conference

Invitation of controversial UvA teacher divides higher education media


Confidential advisors received multiple reports

UU's Executive Board wants to fire professor accused of abusive behaviour


Martine Verbeek will advise the Executive Board

REBO director becomes first University Secretary


UU plays a prominent role in three projects

NWO invests 140 million euros in large research equipment


Arrangement from Covid era is over

Borrowing books from other libraries no longer free