Translation Martinique Koevoets


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Three activists striving to save human lives

‘UU isn't neutral because it has ties with universities in Israel’

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Pains and tension at the boxing gala of Unitas SR

‘I hope I can at least land a nice punch’

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Buildings practically empty on Fridays

Employees working from home ever more often; Humanities taking action

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Members of the Social Sciences council call for a dialogue

Students feel intimidated by pro-Palestinian protesters

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Johanna Hudig building open again

Renovated Law building is modern and designed for the future

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Meet the finalists of DUB's 2024 Campus Columnist contest

Aspiring columnists don't shy away from big topics

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Course evaluations: low response rate and hurtful remarks

‘She sucks at teaching and has no didactic insight’

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UU students get their own ombudsperson

‘I can always grab the phone and ask what happened’