Translation Martinique Koevoets


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Team Utrecht finishes third in the Batavierenrace

‘If it wasn't for that milk truck, we would have finished first’

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Trade unions and Labour Representation Board about labour conditions

'At UU, getting better at your job doesn't pay off financially'

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UU launches centre for electron microscopy

Four faculties join forces to conduct essential research

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Elite sports coordinator Anne Hamburger quits after 20 years

‘Sports have become part of UU’s DNA’

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Triton wins major student rowing competition

Gold fever and pub crawl: Varsity makes for great memories


Biologist was a passionate researcher

Flag at half-mast for deceased professor Rens Voesenek

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Should the university cooperate with the fossil industry?

‘We’re all idealists, otherwise we would be working at Shell’

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Medicine curriculum not diverse enough

‘Most of the images in our study materials are of white people’